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来源: 未知

2017-04-19 16:35:40





Please help me.


The letter is addressed to me.




1. 在非正式书面语或口语里,常用me代替主格形式的I;这种用法越来越普遍。例如:


A:Who's there? 

B:It's me.


He thought Richard to be me.


It's me who runs the school.


It isn't me that makes fun of him.


着名语言学家周海中(其笔名为“周求知”)在1982年发表的《英语代词Me的一些用法》一文中指出:在分裂句(the cleft sentence)中,me后面的关系代词who/that一般不可省略;从句中的谓语动词一般要用第三人称单数(见上面后两例)。




A:I like watching TV. 

B:Me, too.


A:Who wants a lift to the station? 



2. 在以下状语从句中,正式场合常用I,非正式场合或口语里常用me。例如:


He runs faster than I/me.


You are as tall as I/me.


They will go but I/me.


着名语言学家夸克(R. Quirk)等人在1985年出版的《英语语法大全》一书中认为:用宾格形式me时,than、as和but是当作介词,而不是当作从属连词看待的。


3. 在非正式英语或口语里,me可代替所有格的my,在句中作定语。例如:


I'll go to see me old friend.


It's me mother who's having it.




He disapproved of me coming.




Please excuse my being late.


值得一提的是,英国人常说My foot!而美国人常说Me foot!


4. 在分词的独立主格结构中,me可代替主格形式的I,作逻辑主语。例如:


They drove very fast, me left far behind.


She lifted the boy, me helping, and carried him to a hospital.


5. 在口语或方言中,me可代替反身代词myself;这是古英语用法的遗留,目前主要见于美国英语。例如:


I laid me down.


I want to get me a car.


If I don't respect me, nobody else will.


6. 以“... and me”或“me and ...”的形式在句子中作主语或同位语。例如:


You and me know what we know, don't we?


Me and Jack were in the bar last night.


We study hard, me and my classmates.


Let's you and me get to work.


7. 一些感叹词与me连用,通常表示不愉快或不幸,如惊讶、害怕、烦恼、痛苦或其他激动情绪。例如:


Ah me!


Bless me!


Dear me!


Goodness me!


Poor me!


8. Me用于复合词let-me-down(扫兴)、touch-me-not(凤仙花)、pick-me-up(兴奋剂)等。这类复合词的含义一般可从其包含的成分推断出来,同时习惯用连字号。例如:


John stopped at a drugstore for a pick-me-up after working three hours overtime.


9. Me有时是为了加强语气,使文字描写更为生动;它有时只是为了充实句子结构,其本身并无实意。例如:


I'm not going today, me.


Me, I like fighting, too.


He enters me his name in the book.


Give me your present to her mother.




