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来源: 未知

2016-11-18 13:55:17





我欲乘风归去, 又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒,起舞弄清影,何似在人间。



The Midautumn Festival
Tune: “Prelude to Water Melody”
How long will the full moon appear?
Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky.
I do not know what time of the year
It would be tonight in the palace on high.
Riding the wind, there I would fly,
Yet I'm afraid the crystalline palace would be
Too high and cold for me.
I rise and dance, with my shadow I play.
On high as on earth, would it be as gay?
The moon goes round the mansions red
Through gauze-draped window soft to shed
Her light upon the sleepless bed.
Why then when people part, is the oft full and bright?
Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again;
The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane.
There has been nothing perfect since the olden days.
So let us wish that man
Will live long as he can!
Though miles apart, we'll share the beauty she displays.
(by Xu Yuanchong)
Prelude to Water Ripple (Song)Su Shi
“When shall we have a bright moon? ”
Holding up a wine cup I queried the Blue Heaven:
“Tell me, in the celestial palace up so high
What year in its annals is tonight. ”
I'd like to ride the wind and go there
But was afraid it would be too cold up on high
In rose to my feet and danced with my own shadow.
Twas not too bad down here!
The moon turned round the vermilion penthouse,
Casting its beams down through the lattice windows
And shining on the sleepless.
It need not evoke sadness, you know,
But why is it always so bright when the loved one’s away?
We all have joys and sorrows, partings and re-unions.
The moon, it's phases of resplendence,
Waxings and wanings—
Nothing in this world is ever perfect.
I wish a long life to us all.
Then ,however far apart we are
We'd still be sharing the same enchanting moonlight.
(By Gong Jinghao)
How rare the moon, so round and clear!
With cup in hand, I ask of the blue sky,
“I do not know in the celestial sphere
What name this festive night goes by?”
I want to fly home, riding the air,
But fear the ethereal cold up there,
The jade and crystal mansions are so high!
Dancing to my shadow,
I feel no longer the mortal tie.
She rounds the vermilion tower,
Stoops to silk-pad doors,
Shines on those who sleepless lie.
Why does she, bearing us no grudge,
Shine upon our parting, reunion deny?
But rare is perfect happiness--
The moon does wax, the moon does wane,
And so men meet and say goodbye.
I only pray our life be long,
And our souls together heavenward fly!
(by Lin Yutang)
我校 寒假、小升初签约班 火热报名中!


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